I'm writing my final thesis on the emerging church, my aim is to give most weight to their practical ecclesiology. I would highly appreciate any comments on my work and my thoughts. Thanks!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

2.1 Introduction

2.1 Introduction
We have seen in chapter 1 that the Emerging Churches’ primary concern is to be relevant to postmodern culture. And even though Andrew Jones (one of the more respected bloggers of the Emerging Church) claims that they ‘are NOT infatuated by postmodernism, defined by postmodernism, shaped by postmodernism or called to defend it,’[1] their literature often seems to show us otherwise. Sweet and McLaren write about postmodernity being:

A broad, diverse, and often paradoxical emerging culture defined as having passed trough modernity and being ready to move to something better beyond it.[2]

It is therefore absolutely vital to realize what these people understand postmodernism to be, and secondly whether they are right in their observations of contemporary culture.
[1] http://tallskinnykiwi.typepad.com/tallskinnykiwi/2005/07/emerging_church.html
[2] Leonard Sweet, Brian D. McLaren, Jerry Haselmayer, A Is for Abductive p.239 (my italics)


Blogger Jesse said...

hey linda,
thanks for the link. You are right, i will rephrase :)

8:23 AM


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